S3 Object storage

Discover S3 Object storage – compatible object storage service that combines excellent functionality with exceptionally competitive prices. Our S3 offers two storage options tailored to your needs
S3 Hot – for quick access to data 8.69 EUR/TB per month
S3 Cold – for long-term archiving 7.69 EUR/TB per month

About s3

Various types of data

You can store any kind of data in Object Storage — backups, files, images, videos, logs, and more

S3 compatibility with API

Various tools can be used to work with Object Storage: REST API, SDKs (e.g., aws-sdk), as well as file managers like S3Browser, CyberDuck, WinSCP, and others. In addition, command-line utilities (CLI) such as aws-cli, s3cmd, rclone, and others are available, making data management flexible and convenient

Storage classes - cold and hot

Hot storage typically holds frequently used objects, while cold storage is used for data that is accessed rarely. Hot storage is implemented on faster SSD disks, whereas regular HDD disks are used for cold storage
Data is stored securely in accordance with GDPR and additional rules regarding confidential information. Data integrity is ensured by replication, maintaining up-to-date copies in two instances

Protection and secure data storage

Versioning and speed

You can enable versioning for objects and store the object's history through versions. The bandwidth to the S3 storage is up to 500 Mbps (depends on your local connection and location)

Public access management

Public access to buckets can be disabled or enabled for both read and write

Pay-as-you-go storage

You only pay for the space you actually use (pay-as-you-go). Traffic and POST, GET, PUT, and other requests are not charged


99.99% service availability
99.99% object storage reliability

Backups and disaster recovery

Use cases

Object storage can hold any data - static files and images for websites, audio and video content. Files are accessible via HTTPS, making them easy to integrate into any web application.

Storage of static files and media content

Object storage can be used to store Big Data, AI datasets, machine learning models, etc.

Hosting Big Data and ML

Object storage is perfect for storing logs, archives, and various documents

Storage of Archives, Logs, and Documents

Backup software is easily configured to store backups in object storage. Simply store your backups in a secure location with quick access to them at any time


  • Reducing the load on current infrastructure - hosting large and heavy content on specialized storage with fast access
  • Reducing data storage costs - you only pay for the actual resources your data uses. Traffic and requests are free
  • Automatic scaling - you can store any amount of data of any type. We do not limit the size of the storage
92,28 €/1TB per year
For Cloudsy S3 object storage
For Amazon AWS S3 object storage
234 €/1TB
per year
240 €/1TB
per year
253,2 €/1TB
per year
For Microsoft Azure Blob storage
For Google Cloud storage
S3 object storage customer pricing
Сompatible object storage service that combines excellent functionality with exceptionally competitive prices. Our commitment to transparency means you get the best rates without hidden costs. You pay only for the space you actually use (pay-as-you-go billing), with no additional fees for incoming and outgoing traffic (until 15 TB) or for requests such as POST, GET, PUT, etc.



Сompatible object storage service that combines excellent functionality with exceptionally competitive prices. Our commitment to transparency means you get the best rates without hidden costs. You pay only for the space you actually use (pay-as-you-go billing), with no additional fees for incoming and outgoing traffic (until 15 TB) or for requests such as POST, GET, PUT, etc.*
92,28 €/1TB per year
234 €/1TB
per year
For Cloudsy S3 object storage
For Microsoft Azure Blob storage
*S3 object storage customer pricing
240 €/1TB
per year
253,2 €/1TB
per year
For Amazon AWS S3 object storage
For Google Cloud storage
We offer pay-as-you-go billing. We charge you based on the actual usage of resources by minute. It provides flexibility and scalability, allowing you to pay only for what you use. Below explore our customer pricing calculator for S3 hot and cold storage.

Pricing calculator: S3

Cold storage €/1GB
Hot storage €/1GB
Cold storage €/1GB
Hot storage €/1GB
Hot storage €/1GB
Cold storage €/1GB
Hot storage €/1TB
Cold storage €/1TB


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