
Backup software that is easily configured to store backups in object storage. The offered backup options are suitable for various tasks – from backing up virtual machines to any other data (e.g., files, databases, documents, emails). You no longer need to worry about data safety – everything is securely stored.
If you need to organize data backups with partial recovery options, we offer versioned backups on cost-effective additional SATA disks.

Versioned Backup

Disaster recovery backup

Essential for backing up your virtual machines hosted on Cloudsy in case of failures

Versioned backup

Ideal for organizing data backups with the ability to restore specific versions

Backup storage

In case of provider downtime, it’s best to store backups on an external platform for added security
What is backed up: data from virtual machines (files, folders, databases)
Where: on a separate disk connected to the virtual machine
What is required: proper configuration of the backup software


  • Data is stored in Cloudsy and always available
  • High-speed backup and recovery process
  • More extensive backup and recovery capabilities (restore individual files and folders, volumes, disks, registry, or system state)

Cloudsy BackUp service includes

Benefits of the service

Connection to Cloudsy Storage for storing backups of any size and duration
Expert consultations on choosing the right backup strategy, optimal storage type, and backup software
The payment model is operational only – you pay only for the resources actually used for data storage. Payments are predictable with a post-payment model
No need for capital expenditures on storage systems and other backup equipment
Offload your own storage systems and ensure long-term safety for large amounts of data
Guarantees the safety and integrity of all critical corporate data, covering most potential risks of data loss
Cloudsy takes full responsibility for maintaining the backup infrastructure
Seamless and secure integration with your infrastructure
Guaranteed data safety, security, and quick recovery

Pricing calculator


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